Member Benefits

AUSIT seeks to set professional standards, improve public recognition and promote a higher standard of competence across the translation and interpreting profession. For you as a practitioner, belonging to a professional association is invaluable. Join AUSIT and have a voice in discussing translation and interpreting in Australia and be supported in making the most of industry opportunities.

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Just Some of the Reasons to Join:

  • Professional development & keeping up to date – Enjoy preferential member rates for entry to AUSIT workshops, seminars and online webinars, the annual AUSIT National Conference and biennial AUSIT Excellence Awards, and other local and national events. Find out more here.
  • Representation – AUSIT is frequently invited to participate in government and other forums dealing with matters relating to the translating and interpreting profession.
  • Quality assurance – By joining AUSIT, members commit themselves to conforming to AUSIT’s Code of Ethics, which is one of the reasons why AUSIT members are held in high regard by the clients they serve.
  • Immediate PD points – You can claim 10 PD points each year for NAATI recertification, just by joining AUSIT or renewing your AUSIT membership.
  • Networking – Participate in AUSIT’s regular networking sessions, workshops and seminars, where you can benefit from presentations on a range of relevant topics and meet with your fellow practitioners.
  • Directory of members – The AUSIT website includes a directory of fully qualified members for public viewing by potential clients.
  • Free access to AUSIT’s own members-only discussion forums on our online hub, AUSIT Engage – Connect with colleagues in language-specific and topic-related groups.
  • Links to free resources – To save you time and money, we’ve also put together an extensive list of free online learning materials.*
  • Receive a 30% discount on professional indemnity, public and products liability insurance, covering the specific needs of interpreters and translators, with Fenton Green.*
  • Receive a 25% discount on Wordfast products. Wordfast LLC – a leading provider of CAT tools – offers AUSIT members a 25% discount on Wordfast Pro, Wordfast Classic and Wordfast Studio (a bundle of Wordfast Pro and Classic) and Wordfast Server.*

Ready to join? You can do so here.

* AUSIT members can log in to find these resources and benefit offers here

Discounted Professional Indemnity Insurance with Fenton Green

Insurance and risk management are important issues for any profession.  Loss which can occur as a result of a mistake can be crippling to you, both in terms of your reputation and your financial viability. AUSIT has partnered with insurance brokers, Fenton Green, to ensure that the insurance and risk management needs of AUSIT members are comprehensively met.

Fenton Green has arranged a combined professional indemnity, public and products liability insurance policy to cover the specific needs of Interpreters and Translators at a 30% discount on usual prices. They can also assist with a range of insurance products for professionals, to mitigate loss.

For more information visit the Fenton Green website,, or call them on 1800 642 747. To obtain a quotation for professional indemnity insurance click here.

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Submission form

for court interpreters to report incidents or issues that occur in court interpreting assignments.

Purpose and function of this information submission form.

This form enables you to report issues or problems that you encounter in the course of court interpreting assignments. These issues and problems will be collected by AUSIT to report to the JCCD (the Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity) to monitor the implementation of the Recommended National Standards. The reporting of these issues and problems enables AUSIT to work with the JCCD to suggest steps to address these issues and to avoid the repetition of these problems in the future.

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