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AUSIT Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics is AUSIT’s most important publication, recognised as setting the standards for ethical conduct of interpreters and translators in Australia and New Zealand.

The document consists of two parts. The Code of Ethics sets out the general principles that govern the practice of the profession, while the Code of Conduct explains how those principles are to be applied. There are additional, separate sections on conduct issues specific to translators and those specific to interpreters.

AUSIT members undertake to abide by the Code of Ethics when they join the Institute. We hope non-members will also use it to guide them in their interpreting and translation practices.

The first AUSIT Code of Ethics was launched in 1996. It was endorsed by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI), and over the years has been adopted by WAITI (the Western Australian Institute of Translators and Interpreters) and NZSTI (the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters), and also by government and private language service providers all over the country. 

In late 2010 Professor Rita Wilson of Monash University proposed a joint Monash–AUSIT project to review the Code and determine whether it should be revised and updated. A review group was established, initially with funding from Monash, and after almost two years of research and broad consultation with members and non-member practitioners, educators and language service providers, a new AUSIT Code of Ethics was published in December 2012. (The previous – i.e., pre-2012 – version of the AUSIT Code of Ethics is available from AUSIT upon request.)

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Download the Code of Ethics

Important – misquotes and misinterpretations of the code:

It has come to our attention that the AUSIT Code of Ethics has been misquoted and misinterpreted by a number of organisations. Whilst AUSIT is seeking clarifications and corrections, it is the responsibility not to take statements and quotes at face value.
The correct and current AUSIT Code of Ethics can be downloaded from this page.
For any clarifications please contact AUSIT.
If you believe that the Code has been misquoted or misinterpreted, please contact AUSIT.

Submission form

for court interpreters to report incidents or issues that occur in court interpreting assignments.

Purpose and function of this information submission form.

This form enables you to report issues or problems that you encounter in the course of court interpreting assignments. These issues and problems will be collected by AUSIT to report to the JCCD (the Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity) to monitor the implementation of the Recommended National Standards. The reporting of these issues and problems enables AUSIT to work with the JCCD to suggest steps to address these issues and to avoid the repetition of these problems in the future.

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