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AUSIT Student Excellence Awards (SEAs)

The AUSIT Student Excellence Awards were first awarded in 2015, and they have since been an annual event. 

Each year, AUSIT invites each of our Educational Affiliate institutions to nominate up to four of their graduating students – based on academic merit – to receive AUSIT Student Excellence Awards (SEAs). 

Each SEA recipient receives a Student Excellence Award Certificate, and is entitled to choose two webinars from the AUSIT Webinar Library, to view for free.

Past recipients of the AUSIT SEAs are listed below.

Scroll down to read the Nomination Guidelines.

Past Recipients

Nomination Guidelines for Educational Affiliates

(Reviewed 12/06/2024)

  • AUSIT Educational Affiliates are each entitled to nominate up to four T&I students to the annual AUSIT Student Excellence Awards.
  • In order to qualify, the student must have demonstrated outstanding performance and have completed all requirements for graduation in the year of the award.
  • AUSIT recommends that Affiliates invite the top graduating students with at least a Distinction average.
  • Each affiliate may submit up to two nominations for interpreting and up to two for translation.
  • Winners will be announced at each AUSIT Branch AGM and presented by the Branch Chair or by a delegate. Additionally, Affiliates may choose to announce the winners at another relevant event organised by them (e.g. graduation ceremony).

Submission form

for court interpreters to report incidents or issues that occur in court interpreting assignments.

Purpose and function of this information submission form.

This form enables you to report issues or problems that you encounter in the course of court interpreting assignments. These issues and problems will be collected by AUSIT to report to the JCCD (the Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity) to monitor the implementation of the Recommended National Standards. The reporting of these issues and problems enables AUSIT to work with the JCCD to suggest steps to address these issues and to avoid the repetition of these problems in the future.

  • Details of interpreter and court interpreting assignment

    (These details will be retained by AUSIT only. These details will not be passed on to JCDI):

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Your interpreting assignment experience

    (These details may be shared with JCDI. If you do not wish for a specific piece of information to be made available to the JCDI, please make this clear.)

  • Give details of what you wish to report on in chronological order below (NOTE: you can access the Recommended National Standards here)
  • Thank you for taking the time to report your experience. It will assist us in advocating for interpreters to be treated as the skilled and experienced professionals that we are. Your feedback is welcome.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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