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AUSIT Excellence Awards

The AUSIT Excellence Awards recognise initiatives/activities by individuals and organisations operating in all sectors of the translating and interpreting industry. They encourage best practice, professionalism, dedication to quality, innovation and outstanding contributions. 

All AUSIT awards and honours are organised in conjunction with, and presented at, the annual AUSIT National Conference.

The AUSIT Excellence Awards celebrate organisations and individuals/teams in the following categories (some or all of which may be awarded, depending on the nominations received):

Excellence in Interpreting

This award recognises an interpreter or interpreters with appropriate credentials or qualifications for outstanding performance in a particular assignment, a series of related assignments or a project. The following elements are included in the assessment: linguistic and interpreting skills; professionalism and ethical conduct; outcomes/purpose fulfilment.

Excellence in Literary Translation

This award recognises a translator or translators with appropriate credentials or qualifications for the outstanding translation of a literary work (prose, poetry or drama). It may be given either for a single book-length translation of outstanding quality, or for the entire body of a translator’s work in the domain of literary translation (LOTE>English).

Excellence in Non-Literary Translation

This award recognises a translator or translators with appropriate credentials or qualifications for a single translation of outstanding quality or for the entire body of a translator’s work in the scientific/technical/non-fiction domain (LOTE>English).

Outstanding Contribution to Translation & Interpreting

This award is for an individual, team or organisation for consistently outstanding performance in conducting activities or developing initiatives benefiting the industry as a whole, including end-users and practitioners. Areas of activity may include:

Outstanding Contribution to Translation & Interpreting: Working with Languages of Limited Diffusion

This award is presented to a practitioner, team of practitioners, language service provider, organisation, business or institution that is part of, related to, or involved in some aspect of interpreting and/or translating using an Indigenous language or a language of limited diffusion, in recognition of their work on a particular assignment, project or initiative that benefits the community as a whole, including end-users and practitioners.

Outstanding Contribution to Capacity Building in the Field of Translation and/or Interpreting

This award is presented to a practitioner, team of practitioners, language service provider, organisation, business or institution that has made an outstanding contribution to developing the professional capacity of practitioners to meet the language needs of multilingual Australia. Areas of activity may include:

Outstanding Leadership in the Profession and/or Raising the Profession’s Profile

This award recognises the role of a NAATI-credentialled practitioner who has, through their work, engagement and outstanding leadership, contributed to the advancement and good standing of the profession.   

Nominations for the AUSIT Excellence Awards

The coveted AUSIT Excellence Awards are highly regarded, and submissions are encouraged from AUSIT members as well as all translators and interpreters from Australia and New Zealand. 

The key selection criteria for initiatives recognised by AUSIT through these awards include innovation, role model value, benefits delivered to users and/or practitioners, and their level of impact on the industry as a whole.

For details regarding the application process and eligibility, please refer to the Nomination Form below:

Excellence Awards Nomination Form
History of the AUSIT Excellence Awards

The Awards were originally launched in 2004 with one category only – Outstanding Contribution to the Translating and Interpreting Industry. The categories of Excellence in Interpreting and Excellence in Translation were added in 2005, and the category of Outstanding Contribution to Indigenous Interpreting was added in 2009. The Awards were not organised in 2015 and 2017 as AUSIT was preparing for hosting the FIT (International Federation of Translators) Congress in Brisbane in 2017. Instead, between 2015 and 2017 a committee reviewed the procedure and guidelines, and in 2018, more categories were established, and these were again added to in 2023.

Past Recipients

Submission form

for court interpreters to report incidents or issues that occur in court interpreting assignments.

Purpose and function of this information submission form.

This form enables you to report issues or problems that you encounter in the course of court interpreting assignments. These issues and problems will be collected by AUSIT to report to the JCCD (the Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity) to monitor the implementation of the Recommended National Standards. The reporting of these issues and problems enables AUSIT to work with the JCCD to suggest steps to address these issues and to avoid the repetition of these problems in the future.

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