For Members of the Public, Professionals and Organisations working with Interpreters and/or Translators
General Guidelines and Recommendations
Risks of Not Working with Qualified Practitioners
Guidelines for Legal Settings
Guidelines for Health Care Settings
Guidelines for Community Translations
Guidelines for Cultural Institutions using Translations
The AUSIT Code of Ethics
Videos & Podcasts
For Students, Educators & Researchers
Thinking of Studying Translation and/or Interpreting?
Why become a Student Member of AUSIT?
AUSIT Engage (community engagement hub)
Resources and Grants for Researchers
AUSIT Mentoring Program
Study T&I – Educational Affiliates
AUSIT’s annual Student Excellence Awards
AUSIT Translation Competition (annual)
Videos & Podcasts
For Practitioners
The Benefits of being a Member of AUSIT
Join AUSIT: Application Form
AUSIT Engage (community engagement hub)
Guidelines for Practitioners
The AUSIT Code of Ethics
Professional Development
AUSIT Mentoring Program
AUSIT Events
In Touch Magazine
Blogs (including past President’s Newsletters)
Videos & Podcasts
AUSIT Awards and Fellowships
The Sydney Declaration (AUSIT National Conference Statement 2023)
Interpreter Feedback Form and Reports: experiences in courts and tribunals
AUSIT is governed by a National Council comprising a six-member National Executive and a delegate from each branch. The branches, in turn, are managed by branch committees, which typically include a chair, secretary, treasurer, PD coordinator and membership liaison officer (scroll down for more info). To support AUSIT’s work, the National Council has established several part-time positions: National PD Coordinator, Education Officer and Communications Officer. There are also various national committees to oversee specific aspects of AUSIT’s work on behalf of the National Council (scroll down for more info). The National Council can be contacted here.
For a graphical display of our organisational structure, please view our organisational chart.
AUSIT’s day-to-day administrative work and secretariat services are provided by Office Logistics, which handles membership matters and general enquiries from members and the public. This includes assistance to find and work with a suitable professional translator or interpreter.
National President
Vice President (Events & Professional Development)
Vice President (Communications & Public Relations)
Vice President (Ethics & Professional Practice)
National Secretary
National Treasurer
Immediate Past President
ACT Branch Delegate
NSW Branch Delegate
QLD Branch Delegate
SA / NT Branch Delegate
VIC Branch Delegate
TAS Branch Delegate
WA Branch Delegate
AUSIT emerged as a national association, out of the federation of state chapters, in 1987.
You can get involved in AUSIT by contacting your local branch:
Chair: Dave Deck
Secretary: Christine Moore
Treasurer: Henry (Ta-Yuan) Chen
Branch Delegate: Dave Deck
Membership Liaison Officer: Christine Moore
PD Coordinator: Jialiang (Jessie) Huang
Committee members: Vesna Cvjeticanin, Gabrielle Edmonds, Mengfei (Felicity) Liu, Ling Jin, Adam Young
Chair: Camille Lapierre
Deputy Chair: Issa He
Secretary: Christine Ji
Treasurer: vacant
Branch Delegate: Camille Lapierre
Deputy Branch Delegate: Issa He
Membership Liaison Officer: Mohammed Reza Shariflou
PD Coordinator: Rebeca Paredes Nieto
Committee members: Marion Gevers, Hania Geras, Silvia Martinez, Joanna Alice, Min (Elaine) Wu
Chair: Carina Mackenzie
Secretary: Andrea Dallape
Treasurer: vacant
Branch Delegate: Carina Mackenzie
Membership Liaison Officer: Eyal Chipkeiwicz Assa
PD Coordinator: Eyal Chipkeiwicz Assa
Committee members: Nancy Guevara, Sam Berner, Joanne Ellis, Christine Le, Racheal Tamehana, Elisabeth Kissel, Kunyang Zhu
Branch PD Coordinators: Jialiang (Jessie) Huang (ACT), Rebeca Paredes Nieto (NSW), Eyal Chipkeiwicz Assa (QLD), Rossana Mora (SA/NT), Martin Blackwell (TAS), Jess Shepherd, Dillane Pierro-Zago, Stella Tulloch (VIC) [WA position is currently vacant]
Chair (& National Vice President, Communications & PR): Rosario Lázaro Igoa
Member Benefits Contact: Carina Mackenzie
Committee members: Corinne Perrin, Candice Lu, Candela Malizia, Eirlys Chessa, Claudia Zhou, Feier (Vivian) Chen, Larysa Owen, Kunyang Zhu, Marcela Vanega
Committee members: Melissa McMahon (NAATI), Nicole Zhou (Babel International College), Adelis Huang (Macquarie University), Shani Tobias (Monash University), Binglee Teh & Miranda Lai (RMIT University), Marshall Wei (Sydney Institute of Interpreting and Translating), Padmini Sampathkumar (TAFE NSW), Marina Morgan (TAFE SA), Ning Zhang (University of Adelaide), Yu Hao (University of Melbourne), Alisa Tian (University of New South Wales), Akiko Uchiyama (University of Queensland), Anna Gadd (University of Western Australia), Kenny Wang (Western Sydney University)
National Vice President, Ethics & PP: Saeed Khosravi
Chair: Xuran Guo
Mentor: Qiusi (Echo) Zhang
Committee members: Manzila Tayier, Emma Yeung, Jean Christie, Hye Rin (Irene) Shim
TERMS of REFERENCE to be advised
Committee members: Elvira Bianchi, Vera Gu, Lavinia Napaltjarri Heffernan, Jemma Ives, Sophia Ra, Cristina Savin, Tania Pineda-Stuart, Xiaoxing (Amy) Wang
Secretary: Magdalena Rowan
Committee members: Biserka Surla, Aisha Kenawy, Silvia Martinez, Mikoto Araki, Vicky Wong (NAATI observer)
Committee members: Carina Mackenzie, Pedro Telleria Teixeria, Erika González Garcia
1987–89: Luciano Ginori
1989–91: Bob Filipovich
1991–93: Mary Gurgone
1993–95: Armand von Stein
1995–96: Klaus Hermes
1997–99: Marta Barany
1999–2000: Skender Bregu
2000–02: Moreno Giovannoni
2003–05: Yveline Piller
2005–06: Chris Poole
2006–07: Uli Priester
2007–09: Sarina Phan
2009–10: Sam Berner
2010–11: Daniel Muller
2011–14: Annamaria Arnall
for court interpreters to report incidents or issues that occur in court interpreting assignments.
Purpose and function of this information submission form.
This form enables you to report issues or problems that you encounter in the course of court interpreting assignments. These issues and problems will be collected by AUSIT to report to the JCCD (the Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity) to monitor the implementation of the Recommended National Standards. The reporting of these issues and problems enables AUSIT to work with the JCCD to suggest steps to address these issues and to avoid the repetition of these problems in the future.
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