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AUSIT Mentoring Program

Applications for 2024 are now closed

What is mentoring?

AUSIT’s mentoring program sets up structured and purposeful relationships between mentors (experienced and trusted advisors) and mentees (persons seeking guidance and support to grow personally or professionally). Mentors provide guidance, advice, and support to mentees in a specific area of interest to help them achieve their goals and attain their full potential.

The AUSIT Mentoring Program (MP) is offered once per year. Applications open in the first quarter of the calendar year, and the program typically runs for six months. To successfully complete the program, participants must complete 20 hours of MP activities within the established timeframe.

What are some examples of mentoring activities?

Mentoring activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • discussing business and marketing matters (e.g. how to quote and invoice your clients, how to build up your ‘brand’, conducting fair negotiations)
  • analysing ethical dilemmas and discussing strategies to make ethical decisions in difficult situations
  • learning about client/agency relations management, including conflict management skills
  • doing a SWOT analysis to identify situational strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats
  • exploring opportunities for continuous professional development
  • harnessing translation and interpreting technologies
  • exploring possible fields of specialisation
  • (for interpreting) discussing strategies to prepare for interpreting assignments; court/hospital observations and follow-up discussions; dummy booth practice
  • (for translation) discussing research strategies for translation; collaborative translation and revision tasks.
How do mentors and mentees organise their meetings?

The mentor and the mentee define the terms of their mentoring relationship by means of a Mentoring Agreement which lists the mutual commitments they are willing to undertake. The agreement should:

  • outline the developmental goals of the mentee and overall objectives of the mentoring relationship
  • clarify expectations, roles and responsibilities, as well as professional boundaries
  • define logistical matters, such as meeting frequency, duration and modality (F2F, videoconference, telephone, email), and recording of mentoring activities in an Activity Logbook.

Read the AUSIT Mentoring Program Guidelines for more details.


Why become a mentee?

Mentoring is a two-way street providing significant benefits for both the mentor and the mentee insofar as a good working relationship is established and that there is a clear mentoring agreement. Potential benefits for mentees include:

Additionally, upon successful completion of the AUSIT MP, mentees will receive a Certificate of Completion and will be able to claim 20 PD points (you can find a link to the current NAATI Recertification PD Catalogue here).

What some past mentees have said about the experience:

Mariane: I needed some guidance before diving into the ‘real world’ … My mentor provided the safety-net I needed, similar to that of a tandem skydiving instructor!

Micheline: The support, encouragement and wealth of knowledge provided … felt more beneficial for me than my 13 years of translation practice.

Cathlin: My mentor gave me advice on keeping records of work done. He sent me a copy of the spreadsheet he uses to keep track of translations by client, word count, payment due date, etc. As a freelancer this is really important … not very exciting [but] beneficial when it comes to tax time and NAATI recertification time.

Who can be a mentee?
Prospective mentees may apply under one of the following three categories:
  • student candidate
  • non-student candidate
  • peer mentoring
– see below for category-specific criteria.

Student candidates must:

Non-student candidates must:

  • apply within 12 months of graduating from an Australian T&I program
  • OR hold a NAATI credential in a Tier C/D language (refer to the current Recommended National Standards for a list of the tiers)
  • OR have obtained a NAATI credential no more than five years prior to applying, and live in a regional area (i.e., at least 200 km from a state/territory capital).

Peer mentoring is aimed at more experienced AUSIT members who are early career researchers or T&I practitioners, have at least 2 years’ industry experience, and are looking to:

learn more about a specific topic;

diversify their portfolio or specialise in a new field;

grow their translation or interpretation businesses;

become T&I trainers; or

are T&I practitioners new to the Australian market and seeking NAATI certification.

These sessions are peer led and can consist of 1:1 or group sessions. The roles of mentor/mentee will be fluid and defined by the individuals/groups themselves. It will be up to the practitioners to form these partnerships (i.e., AUSIT will not pair up mentors/mentees).

How do I become a mentee?

Eligible candidates may apply by completing our online Mentee Application Form and providing a Character Reference. Please read the Application process section below carefully before completing the forms that you will find under Mentee Applications.


Why become a mentor?

Mentoring is a two-way street providing significant benefits for both the mentor and the mentee insofar as a good working relationship is established and that there is a clear mentoring agreement. Potential benefits for mentors include:

Additionally, upon successful completion of the AUSIT MP, mentors will receive a Certificate of Completion and will be able to claim:

* Both webinars to be redeemed by 30 June the following year. To choose, visit the AUSIT Events calendar and browse the AUSIT Webinar Library.

** You can find a link to the current NAATI Recertification PD Catalogue here.

What some past mentors have said about the experience:

Cátia: I love my job … I just had to come aboard … being a mentor is a very important role … helping the new generation … succeed by providing them with our guidance.

Max: I am convinced that we all learn and ponder a lot, on both sides.

Suzan: Discussing skills such as developing a professional portfolio, marketing and networking strategies, employing T&I technologies, and also practical business management matters such as invoicing has given me the chance to review and refine my own practice.

Who can be a mentor?
A prospective mentor must:
How do I become a mentor?

Eligible candidates may apply by completing the online Mentor Application Form and providing a Character Reference. Please read the Application process section below carefully before completing the forms that you will find under Mentor Applications.

Application process

Both mentors and mentees need to formally apply in order to participate in the Mentorship Program (see ‘How do I become a Mentee/Mentor’ sections above for links to forms).

Past AUSIT Mentors please note: you will need to reapply, as eligibility criteria have changed.

Both mentors and mentees please note: you will need a referee (preferably an AUSIT member) to complete an online Character Reference Form (CRF)* as part of your application. You are strongly encouraged to have your referee complete the CRF prior to submitting your Application Form, to avoid potential delays in the application review process. 

* The CRFs for mentors and mentees are different; please make sure your referee completes the correct CRF.

Mentee applications

Applications for 2024 are now closed. 

Applications are now open for 2024. Please apply by 11:59 pm on 15 March 2024.

Late submissions

Applications submitted past the deadline but within 30 days of the start of the program will be recorded as ‘late applications’. Late applicants’ participation in this year’s program will be subject to the availability of mentors.

Invalid applications

Applications received outside of the published deadlines or more than 30 days after the start of the program will not be accepted, and applicants will need to reapply if they wish to participate in future MP rounds.

Forms for mentee applications

Mentor applications


Mentor applications are accepted all year round.

Applications received after the current year’s official application deadline for mentees (see Mentee applications section above), and successful applicants will be added to the mentor list, to be considered in the following year’s call for mentors.

The average processing time for mentor applications is 3–4 weeks. Successful applicants will receive a confirmation letter and be added to the mentor list.

Successful mentor applications will remain valid for two years unless they contact us in writing to withdraw from the program. Should the mentor be willing to continue mentoring after two years, the Character Reference check may be waived at the discretion of the MP Coordinator.

Forms for mentor applications

Need more information? Read the AUSIT Mentoring Program Guidelines, and if you still have questions, please email the AUSIT MP Coordinator 

Submission form

for court interpreters to report incidents or issues that occur in court interpreting assignments.

Purpose and function of this information submission form.

This form enables you to report issues or problems that you encounter in the course of court interpreting assignments. These issues and problems will be collected by AUSIT to report to the JCCD (the Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity) to monitor the implementation of the Recommended National Standards. The reporting of these issues and problems enables AUSIT to work with the JCCD to suggest steps to address these issues and to avoid the repetition of these problems in the future.

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