For Members of the Public, Professionals and Organisations working with Interpreters and/or Translators
General Guidelines and Recommendations
Risks of Not Working with Qualified Practitioners
Guidelines for Legal Settings
Guidelines for Health Care Settings
Guidelines for Community Translations
Guidelines for Cultural Institutions using Translations
The AUSIT Code of Ethics
Videos & Podcasts
For Practitioners
The Benefits of being a Member of AUSIT
Join AUSIT: Application Form
AUSIT Engage (community engagement hub)
Guidelines for Practitioners
Professional Development
AUSIT Mentoring Program
AUSIT Events
In Touch Magazine
Blogs (including past President’s Newsletters)
Videos & Podcasts
AUSIT Awards
The AUSIT Code of Ethics
The Sydney Declaration (AUSIT National Conference Statement 2023)
Reports on interpreter feedback: experiences in courts and tribunals
AUSIT has a deep commitment to enhancing the professional status of its members. As such, the Institute requires members to adhere to the appropriate professional code of conduct and ethical guidelines, and places a growing emphasis on the need for, and importance of, continuing Professional Development (PD).
Over the years, the organisation has played an important role, and made considerable progress, in steering interpreting and translation away from amateurism and towards professionalism. AUSIT partners with professional training providers, academic institutions and practitioners to provide its members with regular, high-quality and varied PD events.
PD events vary from high-profile university courses and conferences (including AUSIT’s annual National Conference), through to workshops, webinars and networking events. These events add to the knowledge stores of practitioners, provide points for NAATI recertification (see below), are core to information sharing and networking, and make a welcome addition to attendees’ resumes.
Details of upcoming events can be viewed on our events calendar, plus AUSIT members receive email notifications. Many past AUSIT webinars can be purchased to view on demand from the AUSIT Webinar Library.
Webinars and video clips are also continually being uploaded to AUSIT’s
YouTube Channel (link below).
The current NAATI Recertification PD catalogue has been endorsed by AUSIT and ASLITA. Practitioners can use it as a reference to participate in T&I-related activities which will count towards recertifying their credential(s). NAATI-credentialed practitioners have access to an online logbook to record work practice and professional development evidence. For more detailed information, please visit NAATI.
for court interpreters to report incidents or issues that occur in court interpreting assignments.
Purpose and function of this information submission form.
This form enables you to report issues or problems that you encounter in the course of court interpreting assignments. These issues and problems will be collected by AUSIT to report to the JCCD (the Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity) to monitor the implementation of the Recommended National Standards. The reporting of these issues and problems enables AUSIT to work with the JCCD to suggest steps to address these issues and to avoid the repetition of these problems in the future.
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