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Membership Categories

Full Membership Categories

Members in these categories (listed below the table) are entitled to the full* range of membership benefits.

* with some exceptions for Student Members

Associate Membership

Members in this category enjoy reduced benefits, but these include access to the members-only pages of the AUSIT
website, receiving e-Flashes about forthcoming events, and eligibility for discounted rates for AUSIT events.

Associate Member

Any individual who has an interest in the profession of translation and interpreting, but does not meet the criteria for Ordinary Member, Retired Member or Student Member.

Member Benefits by Category

Membership BenefitOrdinaryRetired *StudentAssociateSenior Member
Marketing Benefits     
Listing on the general online directory, and public online profile
Display AUSIT logo and AUSIT membership on websites, in emails and on stationery
Separate listing of Senior Members on the AUSIT website
Be Informed and Network     
Access to practitioner e-Forums
Receive e-Flashes with industry news
Receive notification of publication of each issue of In Touch magazine (online)
Access to members-only online resources
Financial Benefits     
At least 50% discount on all AUSIT PD
30% discount on professional indemnity insurance
25% discount on professional CAT (computer-assisted translation) tools
Upon renewal of Senior Membership, a membership fee discount (25%) applies
Participation on AUSIT Committees / Governance Rights     
Attend and speak at AGMs
Vote at branch and national AGMs and stand for office with voting rights
Eligible to be appointed to branch committees (no voting rights)
Contribute to committees other than National Council and Branch Committees
Eligibility to be nominated as Fellow after five years of active Senior Membership

Ordinary Member

Qualifications: NAATI certification / accreditation / recognition OR formal T&I qualifications from a recognised institution in Australia or overseas OR other acceptable qualifications.

Residence: Your Australian residence, OR other connection with the T&I sector in Australia.

Practice: currently practising as a T/I (paid or unpaid), having previously practised, or intending to practise.

Retired Member

The member needs to be aged 65 years or over, with at least 15 years’ continuous membership in AUSIT. Suitable for long-term AUSIT members who have retired / almost retired from practice but wish to continue their association with AUSIT. Annual fee takes into account the member’s reduced income.

* People can NO LONGER join AUSIT as Retired Members.

Student Member

A student enrolled full-time or part-time in a formal T/I program of at least one semester at a recognised institution. Ordinary Members can transfer to this category while enrolled in such courses. Membership in this category is limited to a lifetime maximum of 5 years. Student members who have completed their studies are no longer entitled to membership in this category, but are expected to upgrade to Ordinary Member.

If you have completed your studies and been granted NAATI certification and wish to upgrade to Ordinary Member, please complete this form

Senior Member

Current AUSIT Ordinary Members, Retired Members or Senior Practioners with at least 10 years' experience in the field, T&I formal qualifications or equivalent (i.e. other related qualifications), NAATI certification or accreditation. Such members must be financial AUSIT members in the Member level (Ordinary Member, Retired Member, or Senior Practitioner) for at least the preceding 5 years.  Endorsements from three respected AUSIT members (e.g. Fellows, office bearers [current or past], T&I academics). Approval by the National Council (i.e. admission is not automatic). Current Fellows can become Senior Members upon application. Current Senior Practitioners can apply to transfer to the new category, providing they meet the Senior Member criteria.

Responsibilities for this member category include: serving on branch committees and National Council from time to time, being on the Ethics and Professional Practice Committee or a Board of Professional Conduct, contributing to the InTouch magazine, contributing to AUSIT’s social media and discussion forums, being available for comment and give advice when called upon, and being available to mentor junior members.

A 3-year review cycle will be built in for this member category by submitting a report of activities to demonstrate the responsibilities fulfilled in order to stay in this category or be revert back to an Ordinary Member.

If the applicant does not meet the criteria for admission, they will need to wait two years before reapplying.

If you wish to apply to move to the Senior Member category, please complete this form

Some membership categories and benefits are subject to approval. Membership benefits are subject to change, and some benefits may be subject to further restrictions or third-party terms and conditions. AUSIT makes no guarantee that all services will be available at all times to all members.

Submission form

for court interpreters to report incidents or issues that occur in court interpreting assignments.

Purpose and function of this information submission form.

This form enables you to report issues or problems that you encounter in the course of court interpreting assignments. These issues and problems will be collected by AUSIT to report to the JCCD (the Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity) to monitor the implementation of the Recommended National Standards. The reporting of these issues and problems enables AUSIT to work with the JCCD to suggest steps to address these issues and to avoid the repetition of these problems in the future.

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