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AUSIT ROLES: Branch Membership Liaison Officer

In this series on the roles – both voluntary and remunerated – fulfilled by AUSIT members, we’ve covered six roles to date. Haven’t found one that you think would suit you yet? Don’t worry, there are plenty more to go. In this issue we ask Reza Shariflou, an education consultant at Educonnect and the New South Wales Branch’s Membership Liaison Officer, about the role.

Reza Photo

Hours per week:

3 to 5



AUSIT member for:

5.5 years

Time in this role:

3 years

Other AUSIT roles: NSW Conference Organising Committee member since late 2022 / organised an online networking event for NSW members in 2021

Q1: What does the role of membership liaison officer involve?

The Membership Liaison Officer (MLO) is the contact point between the Branch Committee, the members and the public. The main duties in this role are checking the AUSIT NSW email account (ideally every week), responding to enquiries and/or referring them to the most appropriate committee member(s), and sending welcoming messages to newly joined members on a fortnightly or monthly basis. The other tasks of the MLO are preparing a monthly membership report and presenting it to the Committee, attending and contributing to the Committee’s monthly meetings, and taking on other activities as needed – for example, helping out with the National Conference when it comes to your state.

Q2. What led you to take on the role?

I am passionate about enhancing the T&I profession, and the Branch Committee is a good way to get involved and contribute. I enjoy interacting and networking, and the MLO position is where I can be of the most use. It is also a good place to learn about and keep up to date with the industry, and to gain professional development.

Q3. What skills or qualities do you need in this role?

You need to be passionate, and able to spare a bit of time to attend monthly meetings and perform the duties. As the MLO role involves preparing membership reports and corresponding with others, it helps to have basic knowledge in Excel, Word and email communications. Other than this there’s no major hurdle, as you will get an introduction to the role and you learn as you go, and there’s no harm in asking questions to avoid trial and error in isolation!

Q4. What other AUSIT office-bearers and members do you collaborate with
most, and why?

The beauty of being on a branch committee is that there are no restrictions on working with other team members! Generally speaking, this is a collaborative group and I contribute wherever I can. Some activities, like networking events, require many hands, and everyone in the group is welcome to help. For example, during the COVID-19 restrictions – with the help of a few other committee members – I organised the first ever online networking event for NSW members. It was a good experience for all of us, and it kept us connected with members. The MLO interacts frequently with the branch committee chair in order to convey messages between the members and the committee, and also to get guidance regarding correspondence. The MLO also interacts with the national admin team when preparing membership reports.

Q5. What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about taking on the role of MLO?

AUSIT is an inclusive organisation that connects our great community of diverse languages. The T&I industry needs AUSIT members’ support, and the branch committees welcome all members’ input. Bring your motivation to support the industry!

Submission form

for court interpreters to report incidents or issues that occur in court interpreting assignments.

Purpose and function of this information submission form.

This form enables you to report issues or problems that you encounter in the course of court interpreting assignments. These issues and problems will be collected by AUSIT to report to the JCCD (the Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity) to monitor the implementation of the Recommended National Standards. The reporting of these issues and problems enables AUSIT to work with the JCCD to suggest steps to address these issues and to avoid the repetition of these problems in the future.

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