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David Deck

David Deck

Position:ACT Branch Delegate


Dave has practised as a translator and interpreter in Indonesian and Malay for about 29 years, and over a number of years has been heavily involved with NAATI, including running workshops for both translating and interpreting candidates in NAATI’s Melbourne office from 1998 to 2014, and chairing two examiner panels.  More recently he was for two years a member of their Technical Reference Advisory Committee and was also involved for a time in designing and conducting training workshops for NAATI examiners.  Formerly an education officer and language instructor in the Air Force for 24 years, he returned to the Defence Force School of Languages as a civilian instructor in Indonesian, and then became their Assessments Officer before retiring from Defence in 2009.  From 2006 to 2014 he taught T&I theory (plus Indonesian translating and interpreting) as a sessional lecturer on the Advanced Diploma and Masters programs at RMIT University.  Having retired from RMIT as well, he joined the VIC/TAS branch committee of AUSIT and became the branch delegate as well as (from 2015) branch chair. He was AUSIT General Secretary (now termed National Secretary) from 2016 to 2020. Having last year moved to Canberra to be closer to family, he joined the ACT branch committee and is now branch delegate as well as chair of the committee.  He has facilitated a number of PD events in Victoria, Tasmania and the ACT, including on ethics and on meaning-based translation.

Submission form

for court interpreters to report incidents or issues that occur in court interpreting assignments.

Purpose and function of this information submission form.

This form enables you to report issues or problems that you encounter in the course of court interpreting assignments. These issues and problems will be collected by AUSIT to report to the JCCD (the Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity) to monitor the implementation of the Recommended National Standards. The reporting of these issues and problems enables AUSIT to work with the JCCD to suggest steps to address these issues and to avoid the repetition of these problems in the future.

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