By Evan Blackmore, former Lecturer in Psychiatry at the University of Western Australia. In collaboration with A M Blackmore, he has edited and translated Six French Poets of the Nineteenth Century (Oxford University Press, 2000), Selected Poems of Victor Hugo (University of Chicago Press 2001), The Major Epics of Victor Hugo (Edwin Mellen Press 2002), and The Essential Hugo ( Oxford University Press 2003). In collaboration with A M Blackmore and Francine Giguere he has translated Twelve Plays by Alfred de Musset (Edwin Mellen Press 2001), and Five Comedies by George Sand (State University of New York Press 2003). Forthcoming translations include volumes of poetry by Paul Verlain and fiction by George Sand. His other publications include literary criticism, psycholinguistic research and translation studies. In this lecture he discusses the practicalities of preparing a sample of the proposed translation, submitting the sample to the publisher, completing the translation, submitting the completed text to the publisher, revising the text and proofreading.