Have you checked out AUSIT’s exciting new online space for members, dedicated to getting together with colleagues from around Australia?
If you are passionate about a specific area of T&I …
… or want to get together with other Australian T&I practitioners who share your language pair …
… or are a student, and want to compare notes with your peers studying at other institutions …
… or read an interesting article in In Touch and would like to start up a discussion about it …
… AUSIT Engage is for you!
There’s a general discussion area where you can start up a chat about trending topics in our industry, or something you saw in AUSIT’s publications or social media, plus many groups starting up, including the Language Divisions and other specific-interest ones. And if there’s no group that suits you, why not start one up?
How? Become a Moderator, it’s very simple:
If you’d like to contribute to AUSIT but don’t have much spare time, or can’t commit to regular hours, this role is ideal: it’s very flexible and and takes little time. We simply ask that Moderators:
• check your designated forum on at least a weekly basis,
• contribute to the discussion occasionally, and
• liaise with Admin if you have are any concerns about online behaviour.
You can access AUSIT Engage via the AUSIT website, or directly here.
To request a new group, please contact AUSIT Admin, and to volunteer to be a Moderator, just fill in this online EOI form.